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"Just now. With the other medicine cats. I wondered at first if you had what it takes to be a medicine cat, but now that I see that you are willing to say what you believe, I trust that StarClan made the right choice after all."
Below contains in-depth information for chapter twenty-one of Thunder and Shadow. If you are looking for a shorter summary of the entire book, please check the main article.
Alderpaw, Jayfeather, and Leafpool are climbing up the slope to the Moonpool, and Jayfeather grunts for him to hurry, but he hesitates when he sees a WindClanwarrior by the hollow. The blind tom says that it is Harespring. The WindClan deputy watches them, and Alderpaw thinks to himself that he does not trust WindClan anymore because of Onestar. He pads down to the Moonpool, and Willowshine, Mothwing, and Puddleshine are sitting together. The ShadowClanmedicine cat asks how Twigpaw is, and Leafpool replies that the apprentice is fine. Alderpaw thinks about how Twigpaw has been quiet, and her sadly telling him that she does not miss ShadowClan, but still wishes she was with Violetpaw. Puddleshine says that Twigpaw was amazing, and Alderpaw answers that the she-cat loves to help. Leafpool asks how the sickcats are, and Puddleshine mews that Kinkfur died, and Snakekit, Rowanstar, and Crowfrost are all ill. Alderpaw is worried, as ShadowClan is more vulnerable than ever because of the plague. Mothwing and Willowshine say that they did not find any lungwort but did find birch sap, which might help.
Alderpaw thinks that Onestar might never change his mind, and if he does not, many ShadowClan cats may die. He angrily asks if the Clans should force Onestar to give ShadowClan lungwort. Puddleshine and Leafpool are surprised, and Alderpaw continues that all they need to do is stand up to Onestar. Leafpool agrees but says the leaders may not be ready to fight. He answers that they should be, as all lives are important. Kestrelflight says that there may be a more peaceful solution, but he needs to ask StarClan first. Alderpaw touches his nose to the Moonpool, and a meadow opens before him. A broad-faced she-cat walks to him and says that she is Yellowfang. Alderpaw remembers stories of the brave she-cat and asks if Twigpaw and Violetpaw are part of the prophecy. Yellowfang does not tell him and says she only came to praise him for speaking out. She continues that StarClan made the right choice and adds that it would be better for cats to walk their own path. Alderpaw asks about SkyClan and why Onestar was not told by StarClan to let Puddleshine have lungwort. Yellowfang asks if anyone would learn anything from that, and as she begins to fade, she tells him to speak out for what he believes.
Alderpaw opens his eyes and tells Leafpool that Yellowfang told him to speak out for what he believes. Kestrelflight says to Harespring that StarClan said it was okay and asks the deputy to follow him. Alderpaw asks what is okay, and the other medicine cats follow Kestrelflight. When they catch up to the WindClan tom, he says that Harespring insisted on being the only one to come with him, and Alderpaw is confused. Kestrelflight explains that he is going to let them gather lungwort. Harespring says that ShadowClan does not deserve to suffer for others' mistakes. Alderpaw tells the other medicine cats that Harespring and Kestrelflight are going to let them gather the herb, and he is surprised by the deputy's compassion. It is almost dawn by the time Alderpaw, Jayfeather, and Leafpool return to the ThunderClancamp. Alderpaw says that he wished he could help Puddleshine, and Jayfeather murmurs that they have already done enough in one night, and Onestar hopefully will not find out. Alderpaw is tired, but his mentor says that he is proud of him for speaking up. He continues that Alderpaw may be ready to become a full medicine cat, and Alderpaw is stunned. Warmth fills him, and he thinks that perhaps he may still become a great medicine cat.