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"Perhaps [Needlepaw] doesn't want to see me anymore. Disappointment weighed his paws like stones as [Alderpaw] trudged through the pine forest toward his Clanmates. Perhaps the friendship they'd forged on their journey was over now that they were back with their Clans."
Alderpaw about Needlepaw in Thunder and Shadow, page 95

Below contains in-depth information for chapter four of Thunder and Shadow. If you are looking for a shorter summary of the entire book, please check the main article.
Chapter Number: 4 (of 24)
Page Numbers: 78-95

Chapter description[]

Bramblestar leads a patrol consisting of Alderpaw, Cherryfall, Bumblestripe, Dovewing, and Stormcloud to warn ShadowClan about the rogues who attacked WindClan. Bramblestar makes his warriors check for rogue scent along their way. Alderpaw frets that they need to reach the ShadowClan camp immediately, worrying for Violetkit's safety, but Bramblestar insists on knowing where the rogues went. Cherryfall recognizes the scent of the rogues as the same ones who drove SkyClan out of the gorge and tells the patrol, nearly revealing the existence of the fifth Clan. Alderpaw interrupts her before she can do so, saying that they encountered the rogues on their quest.
A ShadowClan patrol encounters the ThunderClan cats, and Tigerheart demands to know what they are doing. Bramblestar tells Tawnypelt about the presence of the rogues and asks to speak with Rowanstar. Tawnypelt tells Tigerheart to escort the ThunderClan patrol to camp while she follows the scent trail with Stonewing and Juniperpaw. As they enter the camp, several ShadowClan warriors show hostility towards the ThunderClan patrol. Alderpaw quickly scans the clearing for Needlepaw but does not find her.
Bramblestar informs Rowanstar about the rogues but hides the news of Onestar losing a life. Rowanstar is initially unworried about the rogues when he hears that only six of them attacked WindClan, but his interest is piqued when he learns that there may be more of them lingering nearby. Bramblestar reports on the rogue scents found in ShadowClan territory and asks if he would be allowed to follow the scent trail. Rowanstar refuses ThunderClan's help, so Bramblestar proposes that a joint patrol be sent out with warriors from both Clans. He also reminds the ShadowClan leader about the prophecy, suggesting that the rogues may be the darkness that StarClan is warning. Tigerheart insists that the prophecy is actually about Twigkit and Violetkit, but Crowfrost sides with Bramblestar and asks his leader if they can track the rogues together, leading Rowanstar to inquire about the severity of Onestar's injuries. Bramblestar maintains the serious nature of the WindClan leader's wounds without revealing his lost life. Rowanstar finally agrees about the danger posed by the rogues and acquiesces to Bramblestar's request, sending Crowfrost, Tigerheart, Scorchfur, Spikefur, and Yarrowpaw with the ThunderClan cats.
The patrol tracks the scent trail to the edge of ShadowClan territory, where the trail dies off. Crowfrost does not think they to follow the scent trail past Clan territory, but Bramblestar disagrees. Dovewing decides to cross the ditch which is the boundary and checks for scents. Tigerheart tags along and gets into a argument with her about the next course of action and what the rogues did once they reached the border. Bramblestar calls off the search and thanks ShadowClan for allowing them to investigate. Before Crowfrost can escort them back to their own territory, Alderpaw exclaims that he needs to return to ShadowClan's camp, remembering his promise to Twigkit to see how her littermate was doing, and quickly comes up with the excuse that Jayfeather needs to know when Leafpool will be returning. On their way back to camp, Alderpaw asks Yarrowpaw where Needlepaw is, but the ShadowClan apprentice does not know the whereabouts of her denmate.
Alderpaw enters the medicine den and is dismayed when he sees that Leafpool is still teaching Puddlepaw basic facts. Out of the earshot of her apprentice, Leafpool expresses her worries about the Clan and Puddlepaw's training, wanting to return home before leaf-bare arrives. Alderpaw is worried about how ShadowClan is treating Leafpool, but the medicine cat reassures him that she is fine. Needlepaw suddenly greets Alderpaw, and he demands to know where she was. She acts guiltily and is not straight-forward towards Alderpaw, raising his suspicions. He asks to see Violetkit and Needlepaw takes him to the nursery. Excited, Violetkit inquires if Twigkit is with him. Alderpaw informs her that Twigkit is still not allowed out of camp, and Needlepaw reminds Violetkit to keep quiet about their nighttime escapade. Alderpaw is pleased that Violetkit and Needlepaw get along so well. Alderpaw tells Violetkit that Twigkit sends her love and wanted to check on her well-being, delighting the black-and-white kit. Alderpaw suggests to Needlepaw that they arrange another nightly meeting, and the gray apprentice distractedly agrees. Alderpaw is disappointed by her lack of care and wonders if Needlepaw does not want the kits to meet, or if she just does not want to see him anymore.





Important events[]

  • Bramblestar leads a patrol to warn ShadowClan about the rogues who attacked WindClan.[14]
  • ShadowClan and ThunderClan send a patrol to check ShadowClan territory for the scent of the rogues, but they lose the scent trail.[15]


  • Juniperpaw is mistakenly called a she-cat.[9]

Notes and references[]

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 Revealed in Thunder and Shadow, page 78
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Revealed in Thunder and Shadow, page 81
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Revealed in Thunder and Shadow, page 83
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Revealed in Thunder and Shadow, page 85
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Revealed in Thunder and Shadow, page 89
  6. Revealed in Thunder and Shadow, page 92
  7. Revealed in Thunder and Shadow, page 93
  8. 8.0 8.1 Revealed in Thunder and Shadow, page 94
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 Revealed in Thunder and Shadow, page 82
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 Revealed in Thunder and Shadow, page 84
  11. Revealed in Thunder and Shadow, page 88
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 Revealed in Thunder and Shadow, page 90
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 Revealed in Thunder and Shadow, page 91
  14. Revealed in Thunder and Shadow, pages 78-79
  15. Revealed in Thunder and Shadow, pages 86-87