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"I know. Your loyalty makes you who you are. And I know you will love our kits with the same fierce loyalty with which you love your Clan. I love you, Tigerheart. I would have loved you even if you hadn't followed me here. I will always love you. [...] Not just because you're the father of my kits, but because you're you. I'm sorry I made you choose between your Clan and me. No cat should ever have to make that choice. I was scared of facing this alone. I've been a coward."
Dovewing to Tigerheart in Tigerheart's Shadow, page 188

Below contains in-depth information for chapter eighteen of Tigerheart's Shadow. If you are looking for a shorter summary of the entire book, please check the main article.
Chapter Number: 18 (of 35)
Page Numbers: 183-190

Chapter description[]

Fierce diverts Tigerheart's attention as Spire leads Dovewing to her nest. Tigerheart is very anxious to be with Dovewing as she kits, and Fierce soothes him, saying that Peanut and Spire know what they're doing. Dovewing calls out to Tigerheart, and Tigerheart rushes to her side. Dovewing asks him to get a stick for her to bite down on, so the rest of the cats don't hear her squealing. Tigerheart runs outside of the den and finds a tough stick and brings it inside. Blaze asks Tigerheart what the stick is for, and he explains it's for Dovewing to bite down on.
Spire asks Blaze to soak a rag under the drip-pipe for Dovewing, getting him out of their way for a bit. Their first kit is born soon after, a she-kit. Looking at his newborn daughter, Tigerheart wonders how he could have ever doubted that he should be here with Dovewing. A son is born next and finally another daughter.
Tigerheart notices Boots shaking out the pelts where Marigold slept. Tigerheart asks where Marigold is, and Boots explains that she died last night. Tigerheart is interrupted from his sadness by Peanut congratulating him. Peanut walks off, leaving Tigerheart and Dovewing alone with their kits.
Tigerheart apologizes for telling Dovewing about Puddleshine's dream, but Tigerheart felt he couldn't life to her. Dovewing tells Tigerheart that his loyalty makes him who he is, and she would have always loved him even if he hadn't followed her here. Dovewing and Tigerheart agree that their kits will be raised as warriors, in a Clan, and that they will return to the lake eventually.
Tigerheart tells Dovewing to rest, and goes out to take watch, but Fierce informs him that Mittens, Pipsqueak, and Blaze are already going to watch for them. Tigerheart returns to Dovewing and his kits, and Spire comes up to him. Spire gestures to Tigerheart's son, the gray tom, and says that he will see into the shadows. Spire walks off, leaving Tigerheart confused and wondering if Spire had had one of his visions.
Tigerheart doesn't brood over it and curls up to sleep next to Dovewing and his kits happily.





Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Revealed in Tigerheart's Shadow, page 183
  2. 2.0 2.1 Revealed in Tigerheart's Shadow, page 184
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Revealed in Tigerheart's Shadow, page 186
  4. 4.0 4.1 Revealed in Tigerheart's Shadow, page 189
