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"And once you learned [how to fight foxes], you'd always be able to defend your land. You'd be safe forever."
Tigerheart encouraging Fog to be taught how to fight foxes in Tigerheart's Shadow, page 260

Below contains in-depth information for chapter twenty-four of Tigerheart's Shadow. If you are looking for a shorter summary of the entire book, please check the main article.
Chapter Number: 24 (of 35)
Page Numbers: 251-261

Chapter description[]

Pouncekit is trapped in a Twoleg trap, terrified. Tigerheart assures Dovewing that they will get her out, hoping Dovewing doesn't recognize the panic in his voice. He tries to hook his claws into the mesh to let Pouncekit escape, but his attempt fails. As Fierce, Dotty, and Cobweb reach them, they are horrified by the sight of the trap. A nearby monster rumbling creates makes Tigerheart nervous at the thought of Pouncekit being taken away, but he is relieved to see the Twoleg leave. Tigerheart tries to stress the importance of getting Pouncekit out before any Twoleg comes back.
Dotty comforts Shadowkit and Lightkit, soothingly licking them, whilst Dovewing tries to help Pouncekit feel better. Cobweb notices a small gap where the edges meet in the trap. Noticing it shifts when he tugs the gap with his claw, Fierce suggests trying to pry it open with a stick. Tigerheart excitedly notifies Dovewing and Pouncekit that they have a plan to help the kit escape. Fierce returns with a suitable stick, and she, Tigerheart and Cobweb work together to pull the mesh away, with success. Pouncekit quickly exits the cage as the stick snaps.
Pouncekit and Dovewing have a somewhat hysterical reunion. Dovewing turns on Tigerheart, saying the kits are much too young to travel through a city. He realizes with absolute certainty that they are too young and vulnerable to travel. Tigerheart inquires whether the traps are a common sight, with a negative reply. He wonders why Twolegs would leave something that could cause such harm for any creature to stumble across. His train of thought is interrupted by a wail at the further end of the gathering den. A Twoleg is shown to be carrying one of the mesh traps with white fur inside it, soon recognized as Streak.
Fog stares at the den wall, her face contorted with anguish. On that note, Tigerheart ushers Dovewing and the kits into the den to hide from the Twolegs. After the Twolegs leave, Fog demands they all save her brother. Regardless, Tigerheart dismisses it, stating it's too dangerous. He tries to tell Fog that even if Streak is forced to be a kittypet, he can still escape. This doesn't help her calm down, and she pins the blame on him for not warning them of the traps' existence. Upon returning, Tuna and Growler announce that there are more traps, surprising Tigerheart. The traps are seen to be behind a stone slab, and near Fog's group's camp. Tigerheart catches the aroma of delicious prey inside the mesh, but then notices it's not real, but a suspicious mushy substance with a similar smell. The cats notice that the shiny strip is sticking up, but wasn't when Pouncekit was shut inside her trap. They then see that when the strip is tread upon, the traps shut.
Fierce, Cobweb, Ant and Growler proceed to shut all the traps to prevent any other cat from wandering in. Meanwhile, Tigerheart tries his best to persuade Fog to be educated in combating foxes. As the conversation continues, he manages to interest Tuna, whereas Fog stubbornly brushes him off. She complains that five foxes are too many for them to get rid of. Tuna and Tigerheart say that they could collaborate to outnumber the foxes, and have at least a chance of defeating them. They continue to persist that it's a good idea, but they are unable to convince Fog in the slightest. However, Tigerheart gets her to promise to reclaim her old home and leave the guardian cats alone, if he can defeat the foxes.





Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Revealed in Tigerheart's Shadow, page 252
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Revealed in Tigerheart's Shadow, page 251
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Revealed in Tigerheart's Shadow, page 255
  4. 4.0 4.1 Revealed in Tigerheart's Shadow, page 256
  5. Revealed in Tigerheart's Shadow, page 259