"I had a vision this morning. I was watching the camp as it woke. The rising sun cut through the branches and sent long shadows over our Clanmates as they climbed out of their dens and began to move around the clearing. As I watched them padding in and out of the shadows, the sun seemed to strengthen. I could see it beyond the forest, growing fiery, and, as it did, the shadows in the camp became longer, darker." |
— Puddleshine to Rowanstar and Tigerheart in Tigerheart's Shadow, page 26 |
- Below contains in-depth information for chapter three of Tigerheart's Shadow. If you are looking for a shorter summary of the entire book, please check the main article.
- Chapter Number: 3 (of 35)
- Page Numbers: 24-33
Chapter description[]
- Tigerheart looks around the camp, wondering if there is time for him to talk with Puddleshine. He notes that the fight with Tawnypelt and Scorchfur must've shocked the Clan; and thinks that perhaps he should be reassuring his Clanmates instead. He hears Strikestone tell Snakepaw he's taking her hunting, and Tigerheart thinks that the brown tabby must be trying to divert her attention away from Tawnypelt's injury. The apprentice looks at Strikestone eagerly, suggesting Whorlpaw and Flowerpaw come also, and the brown warrior turns to Juniperclaw and Scorchfur.
- The dark tom announces the young cats can hunt together, since the fresh-kill pile needs restocking, yet as he talks, Strikestone warily eyes Scorchfur. The gray warrior grunts his approval, dipping his head, and beckons to Whorlpaw, heading out into the woods. Flowerpaw exchanges a look with Snakepaw, following the cats, with Strikestone and Juniperclaw bringing up the rear of the group. Tigerheart steps forward to thank Strikestone. While watching them go, he enjoys the feeling of his anxiety draining away.
- After they leave, Tigerheart turns his attention back to Rowanstar and Puddleshine, when he suddenly remembers how young the medicine cat is. Puddleshine tells them about a vision he had that morning: When the sun is strong, the shadows are strong. Tigerheart's pelt is pricking as he realizes that the sun is Rowanstar, and if his father isn't strong, ShadowClan will fall. However, Rowanstar doesn't understand what the message means. Tigerheart is worried that if he explains it to him, it will make Rowanstar seem weak. Tigerheart turns away, feeling sick.
- He thinks about Dovewing, who expects him to leave the forest with her the next day. He runs across the clearing and heads through the camp entrance. Knowing he has to do something to save Dovewing, Tigerheart heads towards the ThunderClan border.
- As he nears the border, his fear spirals into panic. He asks himself what he's doing, possibly getting Dovewing in trouble. Suddenly he stops, realizing that if he can get Ivypool to speak with Dovewing, she might be persuaded to stay with the Clans. Crouching by the border, Tigerheart waits until sunset. When he is sure that there is no sign of Ivypool, he slinks over the border. Wondering what he should do, Tigerheart thinks of the possibility of hiding by the ThunderClan camp and waiting until Ivypool notices him. However, he scents Ivypool nearby, and Tigerheart thanks StarClan for guiding him.
- When Tigerheart meets Ivypool, it doesn't go as he planned. Ivypool is hostile, and tells him that her apprentice, Twigpaw, saw Dovewing and him together. She accuses him of breaking the code, and Tigerheart tries one more time to convince her to speak with Dovewing. She snarls at him and says she won't talk to Dovewing until they stop meeting with each other. Tigerheart watches her go, his chest tightening with panic. He curls his claws into the earth, and decides that ShadowClan isn't his problem, it's Rowanstar's. He decides that his own responsibility is to his mate and kits, and he will leave the Clans with Dovewing the next day.
Notes and references[]
Tigerheart's Shadow chapters | |
Prologue • Chapter 1 • Chapter 2 • Chapter 3 • Chapter 4 • Chapter 5 • Chapter 6 • Chapter 7 • Chapter 8 • Chapter 9 • Chapter 10 • Chapter 11 • Chapter 12 • Chapter 13 • Chapter 14 • Chapter 15 • Chapter 16 • Chapter 17 • Chapter 18 • Chapter 19 • Chapter 20 • Chapter 21 • Chapter 22 • Chapter 23 • Chapter 24 • Chapter 25 • Chapter 26 • Chapter 27 • Chapter 28 • Chapter 29 • Chapter 30 • Chapter 31 • Chapter 32 • Chapter 33 • Chapter 34 • Chapter 35 • Comic |