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"I don't know. I only know that something is tugging me forward, and we mustn't delay."
Spire to Tigerheart in Tigerheart's Shadow, page 340

Below contains in-depth information for chapter thirty-one of Tigerheart's Shadow. If you are looking for a shorter summary of the entire book, please check the main article.
Chapter Number: 31 (of 35)
Page Numbers: 350-361

Chapter description[]

Days later, the patrol continues to follow Spire's quick pace through the forest. Cloverfoot requests Tigerheart if he can ask Spire to slow down again since Berryheart, who is close to giving birth, is having a difficult time keeping up. Tigerheart says that he will, and he calls for his own kits to keep up and stop playing. The ShadowClan deputy wonders why Spire insists on walking so fast. Dashing ahead to catch up with Spire and Blaze, Tigerheart overhears Sparrowtail and Slatefur privately questioning Spire's sanity due to his weird mumblings, wondering if the black tom truly knows where he's going. Tigerheart backs away so as not to pry, but he privately agrees with them. Reaching Spire and Blaze, Tigerheart asks Spire that he needs to slow down for Berryheart and the kits. Spire insists that he cannot but does not know why. He only knows that they need to hurry to cross the river ahead since it will be dangerous. As Spire continues on, Tigerheart asks Blaze if Spire really knows where he's going, and the young tom insists he trusts Spire.
Tigerheart waits for the others to catch up, but Dovewing insists the kits are tired and need to rest. Tigerheart, Cloverfoot, and Ant offer them badger rides so they can resume walking. They soon come across a large river Spire mentioned, and Pouncekit points out a swimming monster in the middle of the river. Spire heads for a Twoleg bridge that spans the width of the river covered with monsters. Tigerheart suggests they wait until nightfall until the bridge is clear, but Spire insists they must cross now. Two long fences descend on both sides of the bridge and the monsters clear. Cinnamon and Slatefur agree they should cross now while the bridge is clear. As they cross, the monsters angrily honk at them, and Tigerheart wonders why they are so furious. Spire, Blaze, Berryheart, Sparrowtail, Ant, Cinnamon, Cloverfoot, and Slatefur make it safely across the other barrier. Tigerheart calls for Dovewing and his kits to hurry when the bridge slowly breaks into two and rises from the middle. As Tigerheart and his family slide downward in a panic, Pouncekit teeters at the top of the bridge and nearly falls into the torrent river below. Suddenly Spire scrambles the stone bridge and hauls Pouncekit from her perch. The black tom drops her towards Dovewing, but Spire loses his grip on the bridge and falls into the river.





  • There is a major inconsistency with Rippletail's appearance on the patrol. In Tigerheart's Shadow, he escapes the Kin and is one of the cats that return to ShadowClan,[2] while in River of Fire, he is a kittypet, and Slatefur takes his place in the patrol back to ShadowClan.[3] Kate later confirmed he had become a kittypet, as in River of Fire, and Slatefur is the one who is actually meant to be on the patrol.[blog 1]

Important events[]


  • Spire falls from the drawbridge and drowns in the river.[4]

Notes and references[]

Author references
