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Warriors Wiki
Warriors Wiki
"Barley knows that you don't want to leave him. He understands, and he will not love you less if he cannot see you."
―Silverstream to Ravenpaw Ravenpaw's Farewell, chapter 9

With it now being June 1st UTC time on the wiki, happy pride month!


Canonically, they are a couple

I can speak for a lot of the Warriors Wiki staff team when I say that pride month means a lot to us. It's no secret that the series has shied away from including LGBTQIA+ representation due to publishing in countries that still oppose it. However, representation is still very important, especially for an internationally bestselling series that has sold more than 50 million copies worldwide.[1] The authors themselves are also supporters; Kate Cary, who wrote Tallstar's Revenge, always envisioned Talltail and Jake as mates, as she stated in BlogClan:

"Inside my head, [Tallstar and Jake] are a couple. Inside the publisher’s head they are Just Good Friends. Inside your head they can be whatever you want them to be. That’s the great thing about having your own head. 😀"
―Kate Cary BlogClan, July 2015

Victoria Holmes is also a massive shipper of Ravenpaw and Barley. After all, she wrote Ravenpaw's Farewell. Which, if you haven't read that book, I highly recommend it.

"[...] Ravenpaw has been holding a secret all his life. He loved Barley with all his heart, loved their life together, never regretted a single day spent in the barn. But inside, deep down, he was always a warrior of ThunderClan."
―Victoria Holmes Facebook, January 2017

To take a pointer from Kate, while the series itself may shy away from specifically depicting queer characters, it falls upon the Warriors fandom itself to diversify its characters with headcanons. It's no secret that the fandom is gifted with incredible creativity - after all, what Warriors fan hasn't created their own original character or fan Clan? Fanfiction writers are the exemplification of "fine, I'll do this myself" before churning out a Mothwing and Leafpool romance fanfiction. The fandom also pushed for trans Redtail and Rowanclaw artwork to be featured on the Warriors website through "Warrior of the Week".


And this is what I find so hopeful about pride month in the Warriors fandom. While we can speak out against the lack of queer representation in the franchise respectfully, we also put our money where our mouth is and create it ourselves through artwork, fanfictions, OCs, MAPs, and more. The series itself is just as much as ours as it is the publishers and editors. And maybe, one day, we will get proper representation in our cat series. We've been asking it for as long as I can remember, and we haven't given up yet. So let's keep at it (respectfully, of course).

To celebrate pride month on the wiki, we've decorated our wiki icon with various pride flags! And to continue to push the queer narrative, what are some of your favorite LGTBQIA+ headcanons for Warriors? Some of mine are Ravenpaw/Barley (the OTP), Flipclaw/Feather of Flying Hawk, aroace Hollyleaf and Leopardstar, trans Rowanclaw, and nonbinary Gorsetail. Bisexual Jake also has a soft spot in my heart as well. Vec I am Iron Man! 👾 02:02, 1 June 2023 (UTC)

  1. Revealed on Instagram.com (screenshot)