Discord moderators enforce the Discord server policy and ensure that the server runs as it was intended. These users are carefully selected for their posts.
Requests for Discord Moderator
RfDM Status
- Warriors Wiki is currently accepting Discord moderator applications. To apply, click here.
Eligibility Requirements
To request Discord moderatorship please check that you meet the requirements.
- Membership of the Wiki for at least six (6) months.
- No warnings for Discord server policy violations in the previous three months.
Process to File a Nomination
If you meet the above requirements and desire Discord moderator status, you may post the following forum on the talk page of this policy:
===Nomination for [[User:USERNAME|USERNAME]]=== :'''Date''': DD MONTH YEAR TEXT ==Staff Vote== {{vote-basic|opendate=TODAY|closedate=ONEWEEKAWAY}}
- Replace USERNAME with your username.
- Enter the day as requested.
- In place of TEXT, prove a short essay explaining why you feel you should be granted moderator status.
- Make sure to add the staff vote section. Change TODAY to today's date and ONEWEEKAWAY to the date one week away.
Following the posting of the original nomination, the following will happen:
- All staff, including Discord moderators, will vote using {{voteyay}} and {{votenay}}.
- After a week the votes from staff are tallied. Results are declared using a simple majority.
- A nomination that receives no votes during that week is automatically considered unsuccessful.
- Please note that any violations to the Discord server policy resulting in a written warning during a nomination will void that nomination immediately. Existing policy involved administrators and Discord moderators may close nominations when the server is currently being properly moderated with existing staff.
Voting eligibility
- All members of staff are asked to vote on Discord applications, providing they are active with a consistent edit history within the last three (3) months. Any staff violating the civility policy will have their vote stricken.
Discord Moderator Vote of No Confidence
- Any user may, at any time, post on the talk page of this policy titled "Inquiry of Discord Moderator NAME" and in that post explain why they feel that a Discord moderator should lose said status. If the forum posts yields a non-unanimous discussion and once it seems that discussion has ended with no comments within ten days, it rolls over to a vote and there must be ten votes for a decision to be made. Let there be a unanimous discussion, the amount of votes needed to dictate a decision would be dropped to five votes. The results of the vote will be put into action by an administrator immediately. Votes in a vote of no confidence will be struck under the same criteria as those in a vote to elect a new Discord moderator.