"Of course! I'm not stupid. Battles are dangerous." |
— Whitefang when Petaldust asks about his first battle in Crookedstar's Promise, page 173 |
Whitefang is a huge,[6] broad-shouldered,[8] pure,[2] snowy[9]-white tom with a tabby-striped tail and brown paws.[2]
Whitefang was a RiverClan warrior under Hailstar's and Crookedstar's leaderships in the forest territories. He was an apprentice named Whitepaw with Timberfur as his mentor, and he trained alongside Softpaw to become a warrior. He eventually earned his warrior name, Whitefang, and mentored Leopardpaw and later on, Whitepaw, although his mentorship of Whitepaw was cut short after Whitefang was killed by Lionheart, when ThunderClan was trying to reclaim Sunningrocks. Whitefang ascended to StarClan afterwards, where he gave Leopardstar one of her nine lives.
In the Super Editions[]
Crookedstar's Promise[]
- "Whitefang, share with her your courage, discipline, and compassion."
- ―Hailstar announcing Leopardpaw to be Whitefang's apprentice Crookedstar's Promise, page 339
- Stormkit and Oakkit see him returning from a patrol with Softpaw, and the pair mention him as a hard-working apprentice. When Hailstar calls a Clan meeting to issue Stormkit's new name, Softpaw thinks she and Whitepaw might be getting their warrior names. She hisses this to Whitepaw, and Whitepaw glances questioningly at his mentor, Timberfur. However, Timberfur is whispering something to Ottersplash, his eyes dark. While Crookedkit left on his journey for the Moonstone, it is noted that Whitepaw earns his warrior name, Whitefang. He pads sleepily from his den alongside Softwing when Crookedkit returns.
- Later, Whitefang sits next to Piketooth while eating fresh-kill when Reedfeather is led into the RiverClan camp to retrieve Graykit and Willowkit. After the Gathering, Whitefang is seen sliding from the sedges when Hailstar calls for a Clan meeting. Whitefang seats himself next to Cedarpelt. When Petaldust asks Whitefang if he was scared for his first battle, he responds he was, yet ready to take on each cat in WindClan. He also remarks that battles were dangerous, while wrapping his tail over his paws. Whitefang is then called to join the patrol occupying Sunningrocks.
- Crookedpaw creates a plan to scare the dog that Twolegs bring near the RiverClan camp, and Whitefang is shown to have jumped to his paws, exclaiming that it could work. He is called to join the patrol with Hailstar and a few other cats. After Crookedjaw becomes a warrior and sits vigil, Whitefang is seen padding from his den at dawn, Oakheart on his tail. He asks Crookedjaw how his warrior vigil was, in which Crookedjaw responds that it was rather long and chilly.
- When Hailstar announces that RiverClan would retake Sunningrocks by simply leaving a scent boundary, Whitefang is chosen to go on the patrol alongside Crookedjaw. Two nights later, after the scent markers are constantly left, Whitefang is seen clambering onto the rocks with Fallowtail, remarking that Mudfur was in a hurry to help Brightsky, who had been sick with fever. When Oakheart returns from speaking with Bluefur, Whitefang asks Oakheart what the situation was. Attempting to brighten up the clan's spirits, Hailstar announces that RiverClan will be claiming more ThunderClan territory, though it was clustered with trees. Whitefang is seen circling the RiverClan leader, his pelt noted to be bristling. When Hailstar responds that they would reclaim Sunningrocks at that moment, Whitefang's gaze shines with excitement. He is called to join the patrol that reclaims them, as well.
- While Oakheart is leaving camp when Crookedjaw tells the kits to stalk him, it is noted that he is leaving alongside Whitefang and Petaldust. When a dog attacks, Whitefang is seen running at full pelt by Crookedjaw. He veered the dog away from the camp, as ordered by Crookedjaw, and outflanked the dog with Petaldust. Crookedjaw orders them to keep going, and Whitefang leaps over a clump of sedge while Petaldust swerves around it. Pelting along the bank, Whitefang hisses each time the dog tries to swerve up the grass. When a Twoleg arrives, Whitefang and Petaldust slow to a halt as the dog runs off. Whitefang, after being congratulated by Crookedjaw, says that the patrol must continue. Crookedjaw asks where Oakheart went, and when he is shocked by Petaldust's answer, Whitefang shrugs, saying that Oakheart wanted to do so, and he'd meet the patrol at the Twoleg field. When Leopardkit becomes an apprentice, he is named her mentor. When Leopardpaw remarks that she wants to grow to be as big as him, he purrs and says maybe not quite as big as him.
Leopardstar's Honor[]
- Leopardkit: "Can we look for a live frog so I can learn what it smells like?"
- Narrator: "Whitefang's gaze lit up as though he wanted to show her, and she pricked her ears, excited. Then he frowned."
- Leopardstar's Honor, chapter 2
- Whitefang comes across Leopardkit when she sneaks out of camp to find Graypool and Willowbreeze. Whitefang asks Leopardkit what she is doing out of camp, and Leopardkit mews that she thought the meadow would be a safe place to learn how to hunt. Whitefang grunts, saying that no place outside of camp is safe enough for a kit, and says that Leopardkit does not even know to stay quiet and stay out of sight. The big white tom takes this moment to briefly teach Leopardkit how to stay hidden, directing her to lower her tail. He says that when hunting, a tail should never be higher than a cat's spine, because it will give them away. Whitefang notices that Leopardkit is now dragging her tail across the ground, and nudges her tail slightly higher. He advises her to keep her ears from twitching, and let the air flow over her tounge. Leopardkit asks Whitefang if dead prey and live prey smell different, and Whitefang is impressed with Leopardkit's curiosity.
- Although Whitefang wants to show Leopardkit more hunting, he worries that Mudfur, Leopardkit's father, will fret when he notices that Leopardkit is missing. Whitefang tries to urge Leopardkit to go home, because Mudfur would be angry if Whitefang continued to teach her. Leopardkit asks Whitefang to tell Mudfur that she is ready to become an apprentice, although Whitefang says that Mudfur would listen to no cat beside himself, especially when it comes to Leopardkit's well-being. Whitefang tells Leopardkit that he will have to mention that she was caught sneaking out of camp, because she smells like meadow water. The two cats make their way back to RiverClan's camp, with Leopardkit badgering Whitefang with questions along the way. Whitefang offers to help carry Leopardkit across the river, and the two cats are seen immediately by Sunkit and Frogkit when they enter camp.
- Whitefang takes Leopardkit to see Hailstar, wanting the kit to explain herself. Leopardkit tries to object, but Whitefang says it will be best to tell Hailstar now and be honest. Whitefang meows that Hailstar would find out regardless of whether or not Leopardkit admitted to it, saying that news spreads quickly in RiverClan. Whitefang sees Mudfur and tells him that Leopardkit snuck out of camp and that he caught her near the water meadow, and that they are on their way to go see Hailstar. Whitefang says they will be reporting to Hailstar, and Mudfur follows them to Hailstar's den. Whitefang briefly disappears into Hailstar's den, and sits beside Hailstar, looking gravely at Leopardkit when she and Mudfur enter the den.
- More Coming Soon
Character pixels[]
The pixel artwork is fanart based on the canon description; undefined traits are left to the artist's interpretation. |
Lives granted[]
The following is a list of gifts Whitefang has granted during nine lives ceremonies:
Lives granted | ||||
- Tallstar's Revenge (Allegiance only)
- Crookedstar's Promise (First appearance)
- Leopardstar's Honor †
- Redtail's Debt (Allegiance only)
- Onestar's Confession (Allegiance only)
The following information is from sources considered non-canon, retconned, or from adapted material.
- In Su Susann's "Missing Kits" on Vicky's Facebook, Petaldust and Whitefang were mates and Swallowtail was their daughter.[10]
- Whitefang: "I remember my first battle. I was ready to take on every cat in WindClan."
- Petaldust: "Were you scared?"
- Crookedstar's Promise, page 173
- Whitefang: "How was the vigil?"
- Crookedjaw: "Long! And chilly."
- Crookedstar's Promise, page 173
- "Shrink our borders! Why should we? We're not scared of Twolegs!"
- ―Whitefang after Graypaw's near capture Crookedstar's Promise, page 256
External links[]
- Exclusive! Leopardstar's Honor: Excerpt on the Warriors official website (backup link)
- Exclusive! Onestar's Confession: Excerpt on the Warriors official website (backup link) (Allegiance only)
Fan content[]
Notes and references[]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Revealed in Leopardstar's Honor, page 425
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Revealed in Crookedstar's Promise, allegiances
- ↑ Revealed in Leopardstar's Honor, page 92
- ↑ Revealed in Crookedstar's Promise, page 109
- ↑ Revealed in Crookedstar's Promise, page 54
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 Revealed in Crookedstar's Promise, page 339
- ↑ Revealed in Leopardstar's Honor, page 82
- ↑ Revealed in Leopardstar's Honor, page 23
- ↑ Revealed in Leopardstar's Honor, page 22
- ↑ Revealed on Vicky's Facebook