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"I have spoken with StarClan! RiverClan, you are making a terrible mistake. You cannot trust Splashtail. He must not become leader of RiverClan."
Frostpaw to RiverClan at the Gathering in Wind, page 14

Below contains in-depth information for chapter one of Wind (book). If you are looking for a shorter summary of the entire book, please check the main article.
Chapter Number: 1 (of 23)
Page Numbers: 9-30

Chapter description[]

At the Gathering, Frostpaw, Nightheart, Wasp, and Waffle remain crouched in the holly bush, with Frostpaw reflecting on Podlight's announcement that Splashtail should be RiverClan's leader. She despairs over how to convince her relieved Clan that it is not true. Some cats express doubt about Splashtail's leadership, as well as Podlight's legitimacy as a medicine cat. Mothwing defends Podlight, reminding Ivypool of Mudfur's transition from warrior to medicine cat. Squirrelstar and Duskfur approve of Splashtail's new leadership, and when Nightheart asks her what they should do, Frostpaw decides to speak up. She rushes into the Gathering, met with exclamations, and accuses Splashtail of lying. Instead of responding to her declaration, the Clans welcome her back excitedly, with her siblings, Mothwing, and Harelight greeting her happily after having believed that she was dead. Nightheart, too, is greeted by his Clanmates. The cats begin asking Frostpaw questions until she reaches the Great Oak. There, she reveals to them that she has communicated with StarClan, and that Splashtail is untrustworthy. The cats protest, reminding her that she has admitted to being unable to speak with their ancestors, until Tigerstar interrupts to ask further questions.
Frostpaw tells them that Splashtail killed Reedwhisker and worked with Curlfeather to take over RiverClan before killing her as well, then he tried to kill Frostpaw. Again, the cats point out that she had not been a true medicine cat and that she had left. Duskfur asks Frostpaw why she left and never spoke with her Clan, and Frostpaw explains her uncertainty as to who she could trust at the time. This causes RiverClan to feel offended, and Mothwing asks if Nightheart helped her. Before Frostpaw can figure out how to respond, Whistlepaw comes forward and explains how she had helped Frostpaw after finding her injured, and Frostpaw explains that Smoky got a Twoleg to heal her. Whistlepaw finishes with how she made it seem as though a fox had killed Frostpaw. Kestrelflight is furious, while Harestar promises that Whistlepaw will be punished accordingly.
Leafstar says that Frostpaw's story does not provide enough proof against Splashtail and that Frostpaw has admitted to being wrong about her visions before. Duskfur sternly asks Frostpaw for further evidence, expressing doubt that Curlfeather would participate in taking over RiverClan. Nightheart supports Frostpaw, telling Duskfur that he believes in Frostpaw's visions. When Mothwing asks who Frostpaw saw, she explains that she saw Riverstar, who showed her everything. Tigerstar asks for the medicine cats' opinions, but they offer mixed responses. Duskfur cannot accept that Curlfeather would do what she is accused of, and despite Frostpaw's insistence, Duskfur believes that her visions are false.
Splashtail denies Frostpaw's accusations, claiming to have known Curlfeather's plans—excluding Reedwhisker's death—but wanted to spare his Clan grief, and he questions Frostpaw's mental state. He explains that he acted as Curlfeather's ally but worked against her and had tried to help Frostpaw. Frostpaw can see that his speech has convinced some of the others. Duskfur decides that the matter should be discussed amongst RiverClan and tells Tigerstar to remove his warriors from their territory. Leafstar agrees, saying that Splashtail should be trusted and that RiverClan should be left to deal with their own. Splashtail declares that Frostpaw cannot return to RiverClan, as she will divide them, claiming that Frostpaw may benefit mentally from her exile. Frostpaw argues that he needs the Clan's support for that, and he points out to her that he has it. Frostpaw realizes that no cat will look at her, and no cat speaks up for her.
Nightheart asks Squirrelstar if Frostpaw can stay with ThunderClan, but she hesitates. Tigerstar sneers at Squirrelstar's indecision and says that he will accept Frostpaw, as he will not allow her to go without support. Duskfur is angry, but Squirrelstar says that Frostpaw should stay close until they figure out if she is being truthful. Waffle and Wasp ask what they should do, having come to join RiverClan. Nightheart explains that they are park cats, and Frostpaw says that they learned much with them, to which Podlight comments that she should have stayed at the park. Frostpaw wonders if she is truly bad enough for her kin to reject her. Nightheart asks Squirrelstar if the two park cats can stay with their Clan temporarily, and she agrees. Tigerstar announces the end of the Gathering, and Nightheart asks Frostpaw if she will be okay with ShadowClan, and she assures him that she will, though he tells her to send a message if she needs help. When Wasp and Waffle hesitate to follow ThunderClan, Frostpaw reassures them, and they say goodbye and head off with ThunderClan. Frostpaw watches RiverClan leave and sees some of them look back at her, but none of them speak to her. Puddleshine and Shadowsight welcome her to ShadowClan, with Shadowsight assuring her that they will find out the truth. Frostpaw leaves with ShadowClan, hoping that he is right.





Important events[]

  • Frostpaw reveals to the Clans that Splashtail killed Reedwhisker and Curlfeather,[16] but few cats believe her.[17]
  • Splashtail exiles Frostpaw from RiverClan and she joins ShadowClan temporarily.[15][18]
  • Squirrelstar allows Wasp and Waffle to stay with ThunderClan temporarily.[19]


  • Whistlepaw says that she told the Clans that Frostpaw was taken by a fox,[10] but she initially claimed that it was a buzzard.[20]

Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Revealed in Wind, page 9
  2. Revealed in Wind, page 10
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Revealed in Wind, page 11
  4. Revealed in Wind, page 12
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Revealed in Wind, page 13
  6. Revealed in Wind, page 14
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Revealed in Wind, page 15
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 Revealed in Wind, page 16
  9. Revealed in Wind, page 17
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 Revealed in Wind, page 18
  11. Revealed in Wind, page 19
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 Revealed in Wind, page 20
  13. Revealed in Wind, page 30
  14. Revealed in Wind, page 21
  15. 15.0 15.1 Revealed in Wind, page 24
  16. Revealed in Wind, pages 15-16
  17. Revealed in Wind, page 23
  18. Revealed in Wind, page 26
  19. Revealed in Wind, page 28
  20. Revealed in Thunder, page 131