"I don't think this will be an ordinary storm. I think it's going to be bad." |
— Molekit to Cherrykit in Wind, page 211 |
- Below contains in-depth information for chapter fifteen of Wind (book). If you are looking for a shorter summary of the entire book, please check the main article.
- Chapter Number: 15 (of 23)
- Page Numbers: 207-213
Chapter description[]
- Sunbeam is on a hunting patrol with Lionblaze and Twigbranch. Her punishment has ended, and Twigbranch asks her how it feels to be free from it. Sunbeam responds by saying that she is very glad it is over; and that she is happy to be off of den cleaning and tick duty, and is eager to catch some prey. Twigbranch says that she can scent squirrels, and thinks that mice are near. Lionblaze crouches, and scares a mouse that Twigbranch catches. Twigbranch thanks StarClan for the prey, and Lionblaze buries it along with another, cheerful at the early catches. Sunbeam attempts to stalk a squirrel, and nearly scares it off, but manages to catch it after hurling after it, much to the praise of her Clanmates. Lionblaze buries the squirrel along with the mice, but halts.
- Sunbeam asks why Lionblaze has stopped, and the older warrior says that it is because he scents a storm. Twigbranch says that the patrol needs to find shelter, and spots a bush to hide in. The patrol hides in the bush, but are surprised to find Frostpaw. Lionblaze asks the apprentice why she is there, and Frostpaw responds that she needed to find shelter. The ThunderClan cats understand, but ask why she is out in the first place. Frostpaw says that she was on her way to WindClan, and considers risking it to get there. Sunbeam is confused, but tells the apprentice that going to WindClan is not wise due to the lack of shelter in their territory. Frostpaw wants to risk it anyways, and leaves when the storm temporarily dies down, and advises the patrol to do the same.
- Heeding Frostpaw's advice, the hunting patrol gathers their prey and returns to camp. Squirrelstar is relieved to see them back, but is worried for the other ThunderClan cats still outside camp in this weather. Sunbeam says that she thinks the storm will be very bad. Squirrelstar agrees, saying that with her experience, she can tell that this storm will be harsh. The leader calls for Ivypool, and orders her deputy to organize the warriors to secure the dens. Ivypool nods, and tells Sunbeam to help the elders. Sunbeam obeys, bringing prey to the elders' den. She tells them that Ivypool ordered them to stay in the den, and Thornclaw responds that this storm is far from the worst he has seen. Cloudtail mentions the Great Storm, and Brightheart thanks Sunbeam for the squirrel. Sunbeam leaves the den, seeing how the rain and wind has grown even stronger. She goes to Nightheart, and helps him drag a branch into camp to shore up some dens. Sunbeam tells her mate that she is not worried for her Clan, but her kin outside of it.
Notes and references[]
Wind chapters | |
Prologue • Chapter 1 • Chapter 2 • Chapter 3 • Chapter 4 • Chapter 5 • Chapter 6 • Chapter 7 • Chapter 8 • Chapter 9 • Chapter 10 • Chapter 11 • Chapter 12 • Chapter 13 • Chapter 14 • Chapter 15 • Chapter 16 • Chapter 17 • Chapter 18 • Chapter 19 • Chapter 20 • Chapter 21 • Chapter 22 • Chapter 23 |