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Warriors Wiki
"I trust Frostpaw. I've just come back from a long journey with her, and I know her heart. She's a good cat, and it's not her fault that she's without a Clan right now. She's clearly trying to help."
Nightheart about Frostpaw's vision in Wind, page 226

Below contains in-depth information for chapter seventeen of Wind (book). If you are looking for a shorter summary of the entire book, please check the main article.
Chapter Number: 17 (of 23)
Page Numbers: 221-227

Chapter description[]

Sunbeam is complimenting Nightheart's eyes to distract herself from worrying about the storm. The mates are dragging branches to the elders' den as the sky gets darker and darker. Nightheart mentions that the wind will be the biggest threat, and that if the camp floods, then there is a way out. Sunbeam asks Nightheart about the flooding, and he replies that in the Great Storm, the camp flooded and was evacuated. He adds that Brambleclaw can tell her the whole story if she is curious. The wind nearly knocks Nightheart over, and he says that the branches will not be enough, as they will scatter easily. He suggests adding brambles and ivy to reinforce the branches, but Sunbeam questions if there is enough time. He arranges a patrol with the apprentices to collect the brambles.
Outside of camp, the wind is so strong that the apprentices are almost knocked off of their paws. The patrol splits up with Wafflepaw and Bristlepaw going with Nightheart, and Graypaw and Stempaw going with Sunbeam. Nightheart collects brambles with his apprentices and return to camp. The apprentices help Nightheart weave the brambles, and are joined by Sunbeam's patrol with even more brambles. Graypaw complains about having thorns in his fur, and Nightheart is happy about the amount of brambles collected. Together, Nightheart, Sunbeam, and the apprentices complete the barrier, and are complimented by Brackenfur for their work.
Squirrelstar orders every cat to their den. Nightheart and Sunbeam are on their way to their den when they see Bayshine and Finleap escorting Frostpaw into camp. The remaining cats in the clearing listen in on what is happening. Nightheart asks Sunbeam why Frostpaw is there, Squirrelstar asks the same to the apprentice. Bayshine explains that they found her on patrol, and Frostpaw says that she was on her way to ThunderClan's camp to talk about her vision of WindClan. The ThunderClan cats are skeptical, and Ivypool asks why she did not just go to WindClan. Frostpaw says that she did go to WindClan's camp, but the Clan refused to listen. She says that her vision was of the nursery being crushed by a tree, and that kits are in danger. Jayfeather tells Frostpaw to calm down, and that sometimes visions can be metaphorical, not literal. Frostpaw insists that she knows what her vision means, and that she needs ThunderClan cats to help provide aid. Nightheart says that he does not mind, but Jayfeather is concerned about the storm. Nightheart says that he trusts Frostpaw, and that he will go with her. Sunbeam offers to as well, and Squirrelstar allows for the two warriors to go with Frostpaw to help WindClan.





Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Revealed in Wind, page 221
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Revealed in Wind, page 224
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Revealed in Wind, page 225
  4. Revealed in Wind, page 222
  5. 5.0 5.1 Revealed in Wind, page 226
