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"How long can I be expected to live with a murderous, fraudulent leader on my border?"
Tigerstar expressing concern about not acting in Wind, page 255

Below contains in-depth information for chapter twenty of Wind (book). If you are looking for a shorter summary of the entire book, please check the main article.
Chapter Number: 20 (of 23)
Page Numbers: 245-257

Chapter description[]

Sunbeam and Nightheart are frustrated at the idea of waiting for RiverClan to be the first to act against Splashtail. They had told Squirrelstar what happened at WindClan, and while the leader was happy that Harestar is taking their side, she had once again asserted that they cannot make the first move. Nightheart asks Sunbeam if she is ready to fight for her new Clan, and she replies that she is. Sunbeam watches the apprentices clear debris, and remarks that Wafflepaw is doing well. Nightheart agrees, and is also proud of his apprentice. He gazes at Wafflepaw working with his peers when he realizes that Wasp isn't present. Concerned, Nightheart goes to Wafflepaw and asks his apprentice where Wasp has gone. Wafflepaw confesses that Wasp had gone to RiverClan. Nightheart is surprised, and asks if Wasp is a mouse-brain. Wafflepaw says that he thought that as well, and even told his friend so. Nightheart sits his apprentice down and asks for the full story.
Wafflepaw says that Wasp had been talking about RiverClan a lot, and how they both had come to the lake to join that Clan. Wafflepaw didn't take Wasp seriously, and assumed that he'd just return to the park, but during the storm, Wasp decided to leave to join RiverClan himself and make them accept him. Nightheart says that Wasp's idea is stupid, and that no cat can simply make Splashtail do anything. Wafflepaw says that Wasp asked for him to join RiverClan too. Nightheart asks if Wafflepaw went, and the apprentice says that he didn't, and that he is a ThunderClan cat. All the apprentice had done was escort his friend through the territory to prevent him from getting lost. Nightheart wishes that Wafflepaw had come to him, but remembers that he was in WindClan, and feels guilty. Sunbeam reassures her mate, saying that this wasn't his fault. Nightheart asks Wafflepaw if Squirrelstar knows about Wasp, and the apprentice says no. Nightheart says that they need to tell their leader, and Sunbeam fetches her. Wafflepaw is worried about Wasp.
Squirrelstar arrives, asking what had happened. Wafflepaw recounts the story again, telling his leader that he tried his best to talk his friend out of it. He asks his leader what should be done, and if they could rescue Wasp. Squirrelstar says absolutely not, and tells Wafflepaw that he should have told her or Ivypool right away. Wafflepaw apologizes, and Squirrelstar, disturbed, says that RiverClan will now see Wasp as a ThunderClan cat, and may assume that the park cat is a spy. Wafflepaw wants to rescue Wasp, and Nightheart offers to join, but Squirrelstar says no.
Finleap and Poppyfrost enter camp, escorting Frostpaw and Tigerstar in. The ThunderClan cats are confused, and Squirrelstar greets the ShadowClan leader. Tigerstar wishes to speak about the situation in RiverClan, citing Harestar's newfound trust in Frostpaw. Squirrelstar says that he is correct, and allows for Nightheart and Sunbeam to join the conversation since they were in WindClan. Nightheart nods and asks the other mentors to take Wafflepaw out, which they agree to. Wafflepaw goes, and Nightheart hopes that the training will take his mind off of Wasp. Nightheart then goes to the conversation area to join the group.
Tigerstar understands that Harestar, like Squirrelstar, will only help drive out Splashtail if RiverClan acts first. He supports this, but is worried about RiverClan opposition consisting of Mothwing, Icewing, and Duskfur being silenced. Tigerstar is also concerned of sharing a border with Splashtail. Squirrelstar shares his concern, but points out that three Clans deposing who RiverClan believes to be StarClan-chosen will cause even more unrest and distrust. Frostpaw is asked about the RiverClan opposition, but she knows as much as Tigerstar. Squirrelstar fears that because Mothwing is a medicine cat, and Icewing and Duskfur are older warriors, they may be easily defeated by younger and stronger cats. She wants to have concrete knowledge of any developments. Frostpaw offers to once more spy on RiverClan, and the fact that the apprentice had done so before doesn't surprise Nightheart. Squirrelstar says no, and that it's too risky. Frostpaw says that she knows this, but she is the most qualified to do so. Squirrelstar relents, saying that she has no authority over Frostpaw, but sends Nightheart and Sunbeam to join her. Nightheart is glad he was chosen for the task, and hopes to help Wasp.





Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Revealed in Wind, page 245
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Revealed in Wind, page 247
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Revealed in Wind, page 253
  4. Revealed in Wind, page 254
  5. 5.0 5.1 Revealed in Wind, page 246
  6. Revealed in Wind, page 251
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 Revealed in Wind, page 255
  8. Revealed in an unknown book, page 256
