"You're entitled to your opinion, Jayfeather. But I'm the cat with star after my name. I understand your concern, but I don't want to make a bad situation worse. I'd be risking ThunderClan lives over something that isn't a ThunderClan issue—not yet, anyway." |
— Squirrelstar to Jayfeather in Wind, page 119 |
- Below contains in-depth information for chapter eight of Wind (book). If you are looking for a shorter summary of the entire book, please check the main article.
- Chapter Number: 8 (of 23)
- Page Numbers: 116-128
Chapter description[]
- Nightheart is outside of the medicine den, keeping watch while Sunbeam takes some herbs to use for Berryheart. He warns his mate about the medicine cats' return from herb gathering, and Sunbeam tells him to stall them. Nightheart stalls the medicine cats by asking how Frostpaw is doing, admitting that he is worried about her. Jayfeather tells Nightheart not to worry, as Frostpaw is a strong and resilient young cat. The questions reminds Jayfeather to go speak to Squirrelstar, with Alderheart following after delivering the collected herbs. Nightheart sees Sunbeam with a bundle of herbs, and sits to listen in on the leader and medicine cat meeting.
- Jayfeather reminds Squirrelstar of his report of the Moonpool meeting, and how he believes Frostpaw and wants to intervene on Splashtail's leadership. Alderheart agrees with the senior medicine cat. Squirrelstar sighs, and says once more that she believes Frostpaw as well, but states that this is RiverClan's problem, and that other Clans interfering with the crisis will cause more pain, similar to Tigerstar's occupation of RiverClan. Jayfeather is frustrated, saying how he expected Squirrelstar to be more head on than Brambleclaw was about the issue. Squirrelstar tells Jayfeather that this is her decision in the end, and that she is nor risking her Clanmates' lives over an issue that is not ThunderClan's to solve. Jayfeather disapproves of the choice but gives in anyway.
- Nightheart is relieved that Sunbeam managed to get the herbs, but is concerned about the conflict between Squirrelstar and the medicine cats. He decides to speak with Squirrelstar himself. Nightheart tells his leader that he too is worried about Frostpaw, and her adjusting to ShadowClan life. Squirrelstar is confused and exhasperated by the interruptions, and decides to go to ShadowClan herself to speak with Frostpaw, and orders Nightheart to come along with her. Nightheart is grateful for his leader's consideration, and the two leave after Nightheart checks on Waffle and Wasp.
- In ShadowClan, the two ThunderClan cats are escorted by Yarrowleaf, Hopwhisker, and Lightleap. Nightheart thinks that this is awkward, and Lightleap refuses to acknowledge him. Tigerstar greets Nightheart and Squirrelstar. Squirrelstar asks for permission to speak to Frostpaw, and Tigerstar allows her to. Tigerstar tells Squirrelstar that Frostpaw is settling well, and is a fine medicine cat, and that she may stay permanently. Squirrelstar asks why, and Tigerstar reveals that Frostpaw had spied on RiverClan, and that she had seen Splashtail aggressively training his warriors for possible revenge on ShadowClan. Squirrelstar asks if Tigerstar will attack first, but the ShadowClan leader replies that he knows better than to act alone. Tigerstar doesn't want to upset the other leaders, and instead is training his Clan for a potential battle against Splashtail. Both leaders agree that potential war is not welcome and would be very bad. Tigerstar says that he wishes that RiverClan has a different leader, and that what makes him the most anxious about Splashtail is not knowing his true motive. Squirrelstar agrees, and expresses her own concern of the other Clans seemingly not caring.
- Frostpaw pads over to the meeting, and tells everyone about her vision of the shadow in RiverClan. Squirrelstar fears that it means RiverClan is at risk of disappearing. Nightheart grasps that perhaps RiverClan has already fallen, given that they have no connection to StarClan at all. Frostpaw then explains what she had seen in RiverClan's camp. She says that Splashtail refuses to get nine lives, and wants to strengthen his Clan instead. Squirrelstar thinks that Splashtail is a mouse-brain, and Tigerstar says that it would mean the whole Clan will turn away from StarClan. Squirrelstar hopes that RiverClan will reject Splashtail, but Tigerstar says that they are so desperate, that they will accept anyone at this point, and Squirrelstar agrees. Nightheart asks about the possibility of Splashtail lying, and Squirrelstar says that she wouldn't put it past him, considering that Nightpelt had done the same thing. Tigerstar snarls that Nightpelt only lied and was rejected because Brokenstar was still alive, and his Clan needed a leader. Squirrelstar agrees about Nightpelt, but warns that Splashtail won't have the same noble intentions, and that this only means trouble for RiverClan. Frostpaw agrees sadly. Nightheart is filled with dread on the journey back to ThunderClan about the future of the Clans.
Notes and references[]
Wind chapters | |
Prologue • Chapter 1 • Chapter 2 • Chapter 3 • Chapter 4 • Chapter 5 • Chapter 6 • Chapter 7 • Chapter 8 • Chapter 9 • Chapter 10 • Chapter 11 • Chapter 12 • Chapter 13 • Chapter 14 • Chapter 15 • Chapter 16 • Chapter 17 • Chapter 18 • Chapter 19 • Chapter 20 • Chapter 21 • Chapter 22 • Chapter 23 |