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Warriors Wiki
"No trees near the nursery. Frostpaw, you need to stop letting your imagination run away with you. Now go away and mind your own business."
— Woodsong to Frostpaw about her dream in Wind, page 216

Woodsong is a brown she-cat.[1]


In The Broken Code[]

Lost Stars[]

Woodkit and Applekit are born to Heathertail and Breezepelt of WindClan. They earn their apprentice names, which their leader Harestar announces at a Gathering. The two she-cats duck their heads in embarrassment, while their parents appear proud of them.

The Silent Thaw[]

Woodpaw's mentor is listed as Smokehaze, her older sister.

Veil of Shadows[]

Woodpaw's mentor and sister, Smokehaze, is killed in a devastating battle between the Clans caused by Bramblestar's impostor.

Darkness Within[]

Woodpaw is reassigned Leaftail as a mentor after Smokehaze's death during the battle with Bramblestar's impostor.

The Place of No Stars[]

She is now a warrior named Woodsong.

In the A Starless Clan arc[]


"Yeah, you've no right to come here issuing orders. Now scram, or we'll come over there and make you."
―Woodsong to Frostpaw Wind, page 216
While on a border patrol, Woodsong, Crouchfoot, and Breezepelt catch Nightheart and Sunbeam discussing their future kits. They discuss the previous Gathering, and Woodsong drops how Berryheart, who was previously exiled, appears unwell.
Later, she and her sister Appleshine catch Frostpaw near the border and they laugh at her request to speak to Harestar and Kestrelflight. Woodsong and Appleshine mock the severity of Frostpaw's urgent warning of a tree falling into WindClan's camp, though eventually Appleshine leaves to fetch Kestrelflight. Woodsong growls that Frostpaw is in major trouble now. When Kestrelflight arrives and deems Frostpaw's warning irrelevant, Woodsong tells Frostpaw to scram.


"Enough questions. This sounds serious. Let's take her to Harestar. She can explain everything to him."
―Woodsong to Sedgewhisker Star, page 107
After swimming to WindClan territory, Frostpaw spots Sedgewhisker and Woodsong, remembering how Woodsong refused to let her into WindClan camp recently during the storm and pondering if she would still be hostile now. After Frostpaw explains the situation, Woodsong looks to her with understanding and agrees to let her speak with Harestar. Woodsong begins to head up the trail as Frostpaw struggles to keep up; Woodsong comments that she is soaked, asking if she swam to them from the island, to which Frostpaw responds that she had. Woodsong breaks into a run and ducks into the tunnel entrance. Soon after, Harestar comes to Frostpaw and tells her that Woodsong informed him of Splashtail's attack on ShadowClan. Later, Woodsong accompanies Frostpaw, Harestar, Crowfeather, Emberfoot, Nightcloud, and Appleshine to ThunderClan territory.

In the Novellas[]

Daisy's Kin[]

"Poor little things! I wish I had milk! I'd feed them if I could."
―Woodsong about Coriander and Daisy Daisy's Kin, chapter 6
While on their way to SkyClan, Daisy, Smoky, Mousewhisker, Sorrelstripe, and Alderheart run into Breezepelt and his daughters Woodsong and Appleshine. As Breezepelt questions them, Alderheart explains they are on their way to SkyClan to find a nursing queen to feed Smoky's newborn kits. Woodsong coos at the tiny kits and wishes she could feed them herself, and Appleshine agrees. The WindClan cats let them pass, though Breezepelt urges them to hurry.

Character pixels[]

Official art[]




Heathertail:[1] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)


Breezepelt:[1] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)


Smokehaze:[6] Deceased, verified StarClan member
Brindlewing:[6] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)
Appleshine:[1] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)
See more


Galekit:[7] Deceased, verified StarClan member


Crowfeather and Nightcloud's kits:[8] Deceased, residence unknown


Hollyleaf:[9] Deceased, verified StarClan member


Lionblaze:[9] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)
Jayfeather:[9] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)
Darktail:[10] Deceased, no residence


Unnamed kits:[11] Deceased, residence unknown


Stretchkit:[12] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)


Rustlekit:[12] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)


Nightcloud:[13] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)
Whitetail:[14] Deceased, verified StarClan member


Crowfeather:[13] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)
Onestar:[14] Deceased, verified StarClan member


Ashfoot:[15] Deceased, verified StarClan member
Wrenflight:[16] Deceased, verified StarClan member
Sorrelshine:[17] Deceased, verified StarClan member


Deadfoot:[18] Deceased, verified StarClan member
Stagleap:[19] Deceased, verified StarClan member


Wrenflight:[16] Deceased, verified StarClan member
Meadowslip:[20] Deceased, verified StarClan member
Palebird:[21] Deceased, verified StarClan member
Mistmouse:[22] Deceased, verified StarClan member


Stagleap:[19] Deceased, verified StarClan member
Hickorynose:[20] Deceased, verified StarClan member
Woollytail:[21] Deceased, verified StarClan member
Hareflight:[22] Deceased, verified StarClan member


Palebird:[21] Deceased, verified StarClan member


Woollytail:[21] Deceased, verified StarClan member


Morningflower:[23] Deceased, verified StarClan member


Eaglekit:[24][25] Deceased, verified StarClan member
Downkit:[26][25] Deceased, verified StarClan member
Hillkit:[26][25] Deceased, verified StarClan member
Unnamed kits:[27] Status unknown


Morningflower:[23] Deceased, verified StarClan member
Rabbitear:[28] Deceased, verified StarClan member
Doespring:[22] Deceased, verified StarClan member
Ryestalk:[22] Deceased, verified StarClan member


Pigeonflight:[20] Deceased, verified StarClan member
Bristlebark:[28] Deceased, verified StarClan member
Flytail:[28] Deceased, verified StarClan member


Finchkit:[29] Deceased, verified StarClan member


Tallstar:[30] Deceased, verified StarClan member

First cousins:

Hollytuft:[31] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)
Sorrelstripe:[31] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)
Fernsong:[31] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)
Spotfur:[32] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)
Flywhisker:[32] Living (As of Graystripe's Vow)
Snaptooth:[32] Living (As of Graystripe's Vow)


    = Tom

    = She-cat

    = Gender unknown




  • With Smokehaze's absence following her death, Woodpaw is mistakenly listed as a warrior and without a replacement mentor in the allegiances for Graystripe's Vow.[33]

External links[]

Fan content[]

Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Revealed in Lost Stars, allegiances
  2. Revealed in Lost Stars, page 107
  3. Revealed in Daisy's Kin, chapter 6
  4. Revealed in The Silent Thaw, allegiances
  5. Revealed in Darkness Within, allegiances
  6. 6.0 6.1 Revealed in The Apprentice's Quest, allegiances
  7. Revealed in Onestar's Confession, page 254
  8. Revealed in Crowfeather's Trial, page 406
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 Revealed in Sunrise, page 286
  10. Revealed in Shattered Sky, page 259
  11. Revealed in Shattered Sky, page 258
  12. 12.0 12.1 Revealed in The Elders' Quest, allegiances
  13. 13.0 13.1 Revealed in After Sunset: We Need to Talk
  14. 14.0 14.1 Revealed in Onestar's Confession, page 110
  15. Revealed in Starlight, page 131
  16. 16.0 16.1 Revealed in Onestar's Confession, page 6
  17. Revealed in Onestar's Confession, page 109
  18. Revealed in Crowfeather's Trial, page 211
  19. 19.0 19.1 Revealed in Onestar's Confession, page 25
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 Revealed in Tallstar's Revenge, page 208
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 Revealed in Tallstar's Revenge, page 253
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 22.3 Revealed in Tallstar's Revenge, page 26
  23. 23.0 23.1 Revealed in Onestar's Confession, page 21
  24. Revealed in Fire and Ice, page 2
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 Revealed on the Warriors website family tree (screenshot)
  26. 26.0 26.1 Revealed in Firestar's Quest, page 40
  27. Revealed in Onestar's Confession, page 35
  28. 28.0 28.1 28.2 Revealed in Tallstar's Revenge, page 274
  29. Revealed in Tallstar's Revenge, page 21
  30. Revealed in Tallstar's Revenge, page 6
  31. 31.0 31.1 31.2 Revealed in Bramblestar's Storm, page 478
  32. 32.0 32.1 32.2 Revealed in River of Fire, allegiances
  33. Revealed in Graystripe's Vow, allegiances