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Warriors Wiki

Allegiances, as presented in the opening pages of Yellowfang's Secret. Characters that were excluded from an Allegiances list, but appeared in the book, will be listed following the formal allegiances list.

Logo-shadowclan-textless ShadowClan[]

Leader: Cedarstar-very dark gray tom with a white belly
Deputy: Stonetooth-gray tabby tom with long teeth
Medicine cat(s): Sagewhisker-white she-cat with long whiskers
Warriors: Crowtail-black tabby she-cat

Brackenfoot-pale ginger tom with dark ginger legs (Yellowkit's father)

Archeye-gray tabby tom with black stripes and thick stripe over eye
Apprentice, Frogpaw

Hollyflower-dark-gray-and-white she-cat
Apprentice, Newtpaw

Mudclaw-gray tom with brown legs

Toadskip-dark brown tabby tom with white splashes and white legs
Apprentice, Ashpaw

Nettlespot-white she-cat with ginger flecks

Mousewing-thick-furred black tom

Deerleap-gray tabby she-cat with white legs

Amberleaf-dark orange she-cat with brown legs and ears

Finchflight-black-and-white tom

Blizzardwing-mottled white tom

Lizardstripe-pale brown tabby she-cat with white belly
Apprentices: Frogpaw-dark gray tom

Newtpaw-black-and-ginger she-cat

Ashpaw-pale gray she-cat
Queens: Featherstorm-dark brown tabby (mother to Raggedkit and Scorchkit)

Brightflower-orange tabby (mother to Yellowkit, Nutkit, and Rowankit)

Poolcloud-gray-and-white she-cat
Elders: Littlebird-small ginger tabby she-cat

Lizardfang-light brown tabby tom with one hooked tooth

Silverflame-orange-and-gray she-cat (Brightflower's mother)

Logo-thunderclan-textless ThunderClan[]

Leader: Pinestar-red-brown tom with green eyes
Deputy: Sunfall-bright ginger tom with yellow eyes
Medicine cat(s): Goosefeather-speckled gray tom with pale blue eyes
Apprentice, Featherpaw
Warriors: Dappletail-tortoiseshell she-cat

Adderfang-mottled brown tabby tom

Tawnyspots-light gray tabby tom

Halftail-big dark brown tabby tom

Smallear-gray tom with very small ears

Robinwing-small brown she-cat
Apprentice, Leopardpaw

Fuzzypelt-black tom
Apprentice, Patchpaw

Windflight-gray tabby tom

Apprentices: Featherpaw-N/A*


Queens: Moonflower-silver-gray she-cat

Poppydawn-long-haired dark brown she-cat
Elders: Weedwhisker-pale orange tom with yellow eyes

Mumblefoot-brown tom, slightly clumsy with amber eyes

Larksong-tortoiseshell she-cat with pale green eyes

  • It should be noted that in this volume the ThunderClan allegiances are incomplete, and that only the ShadowClan apprentices were given a section to themselves.

Logo-windclan-textless WindClan[]

Leader: Heatherstar-pinkish-gray she-cat with blue eyes
Deputy: Reedfeather-light brown tabby tom
Medicine cat(s): Hawkheart-stone-gray tom with flecks of darker brown fur
Warriors: Dawnstripe-pale gold tabby with creamy stripes
Apprentice, Tallpaw

Redclaw-dark ginger tom
Apprentice, Shrewpaw
Apprentices: Tallpaw-N/A*

Elders: Whiteberry-small pure-white tom

  • It should be noted that in this volume the WindClan allegiances are incomplete, and that only the ShadowClan apprentices were given a section to themselves.

Logo-riverclan-textless RiverClan[]

Leader: Hailstar-thick-pelted gray tom
Deputy: Shellheart-dappled gray tom
Medicine cat(s): Milkfur-gray-and-white tabby

Apprentice, Bramblepaw

Warriors: Rippleclaw-black-and-silver tabby tom

Timberfur-brown tom

Owlfur-brown-and-white tom

Ottersplash-white-and-pale-ginger she-cat

Apprentices: Bramblepaw-N/A*
Queens: Lilystem-pale gray queen

Fallowtail-light brown she-cat with ginger patches around her muzzle, flecked with gray
Elders: Troutclaw-gray tabby tom

  • It should be noted that in this volume the RiverClan allegiances are incomplete, and that only the ShadowClan apprentices were given a section to themselves.

Cats outside Clans[]

Marmalade—large ginger tom
Pixie—fluffy white she-cat
Red—orange she-cat
Boulder—gray tom
Jay—elderly black-and-white she-cat
Hal—dark brown tabby tom
