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Below contains in-depth information for chapter forty of Yellowfang's Secret. If you are looking for a shorter summary of the entire book, please check the main article.
Chapter Number: 40 (of 40)
Page Numbers: 493-501

Chapter description[]

Yellowfang is leaving the ShadowClan territory because Brokenstar has banished her. She angrily walks out of camp, howling her rage to the stars. She finds herself walking over to the elders' den, which is at the edge of the marshes. She turns away. Yellowfang goes into the tunnel to Fourtrees, noting how the water is unnaturally loud. After what seems like seasons, she finally exits the cave. She is exhausted and clambers out of the tunnel. She staggers across the last few fox-lengths of ShadowClan territory and half scrambles, and half falls into the hollow, where rests in the shelter of the spiky branches of a holly bush.
Yellowfang lies in the undergrowth while the morning light strengthens into a chilly, gray day. Soon, rain starts to fall, but Yellowfang has no energy to find better shelter. She tries to sleep, but the branches of the Great Oaks at Fourtrees loom over her, rustling in a threatening way that sounds more like thunder. Eventually, the dead holly leaves underneath her begin to prickle through her matted pelt, and she hauls herself to her paws. Night has fallen again, with barely a hint of starlight to peak out the four giant oaks. Yellowfang thinks about Marigoldkit and Mintkit, and hopes they are in StarClan now. Her legs start to tremble with tiredness, and she pushes her way into a clump of ferns. She wakes up to sunlight filtering through the ferns, warming her pelt, reminding her of times when she was happy in her home among the pine trees.
She finds Firepaw heading straight for her in a hunter's crouch. She creeps into the shelter of a clump of bushes so she is downwind. Firepaw sniffs the air again, as if he can't work out what happened to the scent. Yellowfang slams into him, knocking him sideways and causing him to screech in shock. The ginger apprentice goes limp and she loosens her grip on his shoulders. He surges upward and Yellowfang is thrown clear, tumbling back into a gorse bush. They continue fighting until Yellowfang is too tired to fight anymore since she injured her hind legs in the fight. Firepaw comments that she is an awful hurry to die when she tells him to stop dithering like a kittypet and kill her. He heads for the trees. Yellowfang sighs, but a quiet determination begins to grow inside her. Somehow, she feels less bleak and hopeless. ThunderClan territory isn't her home, but the trees and whispering ferns promise more peace than she had known for a while.
Yellowfang is sure that she cannot leave the forest. Even if she has to seek shelter in a hostile Clan, there is still work for her to do, questions that only she can answer. Vengeance she has to seek on behalf of Marigoldkit and Mintkit, Cloudpelt and the banished elders, all the cats whom Brokenstar had destroyed with his ambition. Yellowfang knows her path will cross with Brokenstar's again. She promises that one day she will do something to stop this tide of fire and blood that he has unleashed on the forest.




Important events[]


  • An unnamed queen gives birth to a kit, according to Yellowfang's senses.[1]

Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Revealed in Yellowfang's Secret, page 493
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 Revealed in Yellowfang's Secret, chapter 40